The Project
Go4VocationalSkills is a 36-month project financed by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union. The consortium consists of 5 partner organizations from Poland, Greece, Spain and Bulgaria which work together in order to improve the quality of education in technical schools in Europe.
- Improve the quality of education in technical schools in Europe by implementing a tool for analyzing the competency gap of students studying in the following professions: construction technician, logistics technician, renewable energy technician.
- Support schools in making the teaching process more attractive, including remote teaching, by developing solutions that will permanently improve the quality of teaching and adapt vocational education to market expectations.
The Project
Dobre Kadry. Centrum badawczo-szkoleniowe Sp. z o.o. (Poland)
Zespol Szkol Technicznych w Klodzku (Poland)
Mundus (Spain)
AKMI (Greece)
"Horizont ProConsult" EOOD (Bulgaria)
The Project
Project Aims
The main outcome of the project will be a tool for the comprehensive assessment of the competences of students of the following technical professions: construction, logistics, renewable energy, it will require the development of four main results:
- Competency profiles for selected professions and positions (R1)
- Competency tests for the above-mentioned fields of study (content R2)
- IT tool for automatic assessment of the level of competences and compliance with the profiles from R1 (R3)
- Proposed interpretation of the results of the competency test along with exemplary development activities (including financing) (R4).